My glasses! My glasses! Where are my glasses?!
Penn State football coach Joe Paterno is old and he lost his glasses. Big deal, right? Except that his Coke bottle-thick lenses didn't go missing while he was snoozing in his Craftmatic Adjustable Bed or while watching "Matlock." They were stolen off his face while he was wearing them -- well, sort of. From the AP:
Oddly enough, the prescription in those bronzed lenses is actually less powerful than the ones JoePa wears during football games. True fact.Penn State police are looking out for Joe Paterno’s glasses – the bronzed ones that were perched on the statue of the iconic football coach that stands outside Beaver Stadium.
Vandals apparently cut the glasses off just above the base of the ears of the 7-foot sculpture between 11 a.m. Friday and 11 a.m. Saturday, when a police officer noticed the damage.
The school plans to replace the glasses, though assistant athletic director Jeff Nelson said it is unclear how much that might cost.
The statue, which weighs more than 900 pounds, was unveiled in Nov. 2001.
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